Principles provided naturally develop from Information regarding described Iissiidiology Laws of the Universe as well as existence of humankind as an integral element, existing in symbiotic relationship with that Universe and being its multi-holographic expression Form. Any interaction with another "human being", - is in fact a mere collaboration with "yourself"; it is also an ability to identify internal conflicts between certain groups of Form-Creators within your own Self-Consciousness Configuration for their subsequent conscious transformation in order to harmonize their relations through choices, based on the motivational chains, contributing to the refocusing in a True Human development Direction. 

Another "human being" - is such an objective Reality, with which we interrelate in the Universe by means of a resonance Principle, depending on the activity of corresponding Karma Channels within our Self-Consciousness Configuration. Realizing the level, at which the resonance occurs, you can transmute "negative" interactivity Energy through active ААИИГЛИЛИА (AAIIGLILIA) IISSIIDI-Center, characterized by such mentally-sensuous manifestations as highly-emotional Warmth, Unconditional Love, Altruism, acceptance, sacrifice, dedication, mutual understanding and wise comprehension of all. That objective Reality reflection, which we face in our own subjective Reality in the form of specific situation, someone’s reaction, or our own reaction to someone else’s manifestation or the surrounding events, can only be changed by the conscious choice. It implies the gradual voluntary change of our own Self-Consciousness Configuration, such as our inner state of mind, motivation and a purposeful solution.

According to our Self-Consciousness Configuration diversity and holographic manifestation principle, there are multiple interpretations of the same exact interactivity, and only our own interest defines which of these variations we, will choose, regardless of whether we do it consciously or unconsciously, according to our inner unregistered impulses.

The only, and the most important thing we actually can influence, - is our inner state of mind, which, in fact, always solely determine the Configuration quality of our Self-Consciousness. State of mind selection occurs long before the interactivity with anyone and way before the unfolding of any situation. After all, our Perceptions regarding any “individual” and ourselves in different situations, being a prelude to any particular choice, determine certain states we experience, as well as our own manifestation as a certain "personality", existing in particular scenarios and corresponding "interpersonal" relations.

We have everything, which is necessary to change our previously discordant Perceptions regarding the surrounding world and ourselves. That requires a series of sequential choices implementation, aimed at overcoming of inertia and self-deception. It is important to awaken our vigilance towards steadily established bad habits, manifested in the form of specific emotions and states, as well as to our behavior, appropriate for these habits. By sustaining the low-quality perceptions regarding other “people”, we only deceive ourselves, as this is a very simple way to change nothing while not applying any effort, motivating such behavior by the assumption, that everyone around us is also substandard.

You should define every choice as an intention, leading to specific results, and approach the transformation of your Perceptions consciously, with interest, applying will power, - the possibility to overcome the resistance, which constantly comes from well-established selfish programs, protecting our ego and ambition, and contributing to our survival. Since the programs of resistance to something new, unfamiliar and uncomfortable, regarding our previous manifestations, are often triggered within our Self-Consciousness, it is suggested that we closely monitor these internal displays and find new motivations for the harmonious cooperation with other "people", as well as for the implementation of your altruism in a sense, that enables you to accept others as they are, understanding them. In such cases, the technique, called “leaving the comfort zone" helps tremendously; it’s a common skills and habits acquisition methodology, which is provided and explained by many sources.

If you set up an objective to closely observe your own reactions to the behavior of others, it is possible to identify these reactions occurrence patterns, commencing the search for opportunities of changing some of these patterns in your perception of the surrounding reality. Everything, that has become unpleasant and no longer desirable for continuous reliving, is easily changeable. All possible perception internal transformation features are embedded in all existential scenarios; we should only utilize our wit and an observation power, perceiving every opportunity as just a potential predisposition to the fact of occurrence. All we have to do is to make a willful effort, aimed at the implementation of our intention to harmonize the relationship with a purpose of the real embodiment of our highest values, principles and beliefs. These principles have formed through our embedded moral, cultural concepts, social school programs, and other inspiring sources of information. The most effective source of inner transformation is the kind of knowledge that we have adopted as spiritual growth guide, clarifying for us the kind of opportunities we possess in order to exhibit higher-quality Self-Image as well as forming a harmonious Life in union with the rest of the world.

Any interpersonal interaction, subordinate to the two fundamental True Human Principles – highly-sensuous Intellect, coupled with highly-Intellectual Altruism, - will have the most harmonious effect, even if during this process a lot of inconsistencies and lack of mutual understanding will emerge.